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Quote:原帖由 muimuilau 於 2009-5-21 14:52 發表 [Image: back.gif]

部电脑骸(HI)咗 0野?定係已被“河蟹黨”监控?
不过都好,“河蟹黨”(除非无脑者)睇得资料多自然會落龘 将来变成反独裁暴政的新力军!
— 喚醒國人之 220

是真理就該給世界 60億人講。

中共政權不僅傷害著中國人民也傷害著世界人民。在中國,組成中共政權的是其局長們,他們人數不到 1百萬,佔不到總人口千分之一。他們靠武力霸佔了老天給每個人生活的一份土地,礦產資源,自己去發財,卻連住房,食品,醫療等任何基本生活的福利都不給民眾。希望凡是基本上贊同本文見解的人傳播,登載本文。各位可用本文的英文給外國人講,以便我們獲得更多的支持,改善這個世界。


在2009年滿18歲的中國人的平均收入約是400元人民幣或 60美金一個月。而中共的大學收費約是1萬元人民幣一年,超出百姓平均收入的兩倍。當 98%的中國人在為怎麼活下去發愁的時候,中共的局長們日進斗金。在 2006年中共 3000名高幹子弟擁有的財富達 2萬億元人民幣,平均每人 6.7億元,相當於 9000萬美金。

結果是在 2009年中國 0.4%的人口擁有那裏 70%的財富。 中共政權也在兩個方面傷害著這個世界。一個是它帶來了全球暖化。如上面說的,靠武力霸佔百姓的土地和在農村收取高額稅費,它迫使上億的農民湧進了它控制的條件惡劣,報酬低微的工廠。在工廠他們常常一週干 60小時,而收入就是 800元人民幣,相當於 120 美金一個月。

結果是今天世界的很多商品是中國製造,在2008年中國成了世界上最大的溫室氣體排放國。在1980年代,中國每年約消耗世界 5%的能源,而在2000年代,它每年消耗世界 30%的能源。地球無法承擔25%的能源消耗的增長。

中共傷害世界的另一個地方是在安全方面。長期以來它支持世界上大大小小的獨裁者,好戰人員,給他們槍炮,彈藥以及更先進的軍事技術。它在中國現有 330萬的軍隊,超過了俄國,美國兩國軍隊的總和。它想幹什麼?顯然,僅僅為了防禦, 根本不需要那麼龐大的軍隊。

總結,由不到 100萬局級官員組成的中共政權長期以來瘋狂地掠奪著中國人民,傷害著世界人民,只為了滿足他們的貪得無厭。所以結束中共的統治不僅對中國人民是必要的,對世界人民也是必要的。

本文完 2009年1月

The Necessity to Remove the Chinese Communist Regime (In English and Chinese) — [size=4]220th of Awakening People [/size]By Wei Liu January 2009

If we see the truth, we should tell everybody of the six billion people in the world. The Chinese Communist Regime not only harms Chinese people, but also harms people in the world.

In China, that regime, consisting of Communist bureau leaders occupying less than 1 million people or 0.1% of the whole population, grasps by force all the resources like the land and minerals given by God for people to live to make money for themselves, and do not give any welfare like housing, food or medical care to people. Those who largely agree on the ideas of this article please feel free to spread or publish it to make the world better.

The Communist Regime also establishes its monopoly by force or by the bayonets in many trades like housing, school, hospital, media, and communication. For instance, as a common people in China, if I want to run a school or run a newspaper, the police send me to prison.

Then that regime sets the prices in their monopolized trades very high. The average income for all those who are eighteen years old in China in 2009 is around 400 renminbi or 60 U. S. dollars a month. And the Communist Regime sets the tuition and fee of college around 10,000 per year, which is over twice of people's average income. While over 98% of Chinese people struggle to stay alive, the bureau leaders of that regime make tons of money.

In 2006, 3000 descendants of the Communist high officials hold 2 trillion reminbi of wealth, with each of them having 670 million renminbi, or 90 million U. S. dollars. As a result, in 2009 in China 0.4% of the population hold 70% of the wealth there.

That regime harms the world in two ways. One is its causing the global warming. As the above mentioned, by grasping all the land by force and imposing heavy tax and fees in the country, it forces millions of peasant to work in those poorly conditioned and poorly paid factories controlled by it. Those workers often work 60 hours a week and just get 800 renminbi or 120 U. S. dollars a month.

As a result, today lots of merchandise in the world is made in China, and China became the largest greenhouse air emitting country in 2008. In the 1980s, China consumed about 5% of the world's energy every year. In the 2000s, it consumes over 30% of the world's energy every year. The earth cannot sustain an increase of 25% of the energy consumption.

The other way that regime harms the world is the security. It has been supporting the dictators, the militants around the world, giving them the guns, the ammunition and the more advanced military technology. In China, that regime has some 3.3 million troops, which is more than the troops of Russia and America combined. What does it want to do? Evidently, just defending a country does not need that many troops at all.

In sum, the Chinese Communist Regime, consisting of less than 1 million bureau leaders in China, has been robbing Chinese people and harming people in the world to satisfy their unlimited material greed. Thus, it is necessary not only for Chinese people but also for people in world to remove that regime.
除非生於富有之家, 一般人只得認命, 非大難臨頭, 不會隨便離鄉別井.

兩段歷史很重要, 一是文革和大躍進期間, 一是香港六四之後. 前者大陸同胞甘冒十死一生之險, 也要翻山涉水偷渡來港, 以避歷史時代的劫難; 後者是香港人不願面對未來的一個暴政, 誓死以腳來投自由的一票.

至於去到作者所講的逃離惡劣的環境, 遠離低水平的民族; 就不是一般平凡之眾所想及和能力之內的事了.
~ ~ 零八 宪章 ~ ~






21[font=新細明體]世紀的中國將走向何方,是繼續這種威權統治下的“[/font] [font=新細明體]現代化”,還是認同普世價值、融入主流文明、建立民主政體?這是一個不容回避的抉擇. [/font]
[font=新細明體]( from : [/font] )

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百份之一百同意作者, 今天世界決不再是一百年前的世界, 以前人民拿起枝掃把就可以起義, 推番與民為敵的政府. 但今天敵我太懸殊, 敵方有炮有槍有摧淚彈, 人民不可能再拿起把掃把起義了.

所以作者講得啱, 伊朗要推番假選舉的偽政權, 就必須有一個在政權內響當當的人馬, 他可以企在坦克車上, 在成千上百的軍警支持下, 向支持偽政府的國會發炮狂轟 ... 沒有槍火的龍頭, 就算天天有百萬人上街, 也只能送死.

伊朗如是, 中國如是; 我們的葉利欽在那裏 ?

[Image: PH2009062503926.jpg]

At a June 9 demonstration in Tehran, a supporter of Mir Hossein Mousavi stands next to a poster of him, whistling as she films the event with her mobile phone. (By Ben Curtis -- Associated Press)
一手遮天, 黑幕重重 -- 黑箱王國鐵道部腐爛發臭

整個國家也一樣 !!
如果那個飛車兇徒是甚麽高幹子弟, 或其背後有甚麼權力的支撐; 我寫包單, 佢一定可以從輕發落, 無罪釋放.

除非死傷者中也有高幹子弟或甚麼當高官的, 那就看兇手和死者背後的拳頭誰更大了.

我們這些弱勢論壇還有存在的必要嗎 ?

我因反共過激, 三年前被 discuss 某'超級版主'借一些藉口矗了出來, 而其他兩大論壇, 高登, 和 uwants 我從未去過.

是不是這三個大熱論壇已被左共接管 ? 淪為左口仔們的天堂 ? 我很想知道, 如今反共論壇究竟還剩幾多個, 剩下的是不是像我們一樣, 人氣疏落, 小貓三四 ?

本來苹果給我一線的希望, 反共精英個個有料, 且在比例上佔盡威勢, 氣得'五毛賊仔們'經常挾着尾巴逃跑. 可惜, 苹果可能受上面施壓(苹果直至今天仍隻字不提, 未有任何交代), 竟把全港唯一人氣頂盛的反共大網關掉.

當時我想到, 就算苹果沒有了, 只要苹果反共精英們齊來這裡會師(或到 ''), 香港反共勢頭仍可繼續一施抱負.可惜, 他們可能認為這裡不是反共'良地', 沒必要加入進來.

好了, 如今餘下我們這些弱雞論壇(全港還剩幾多個呢 ?), 令我覺得, 既然香港人似乎已失去反共的意志, 我們這些弱勢論壇還有存在的必要嗎 ?

(是我在'自由香江'的留言, 並於 11/7/2009 作出修改, 這篇是修改篇.)

[ 本帖最後由 happylai7799 於 2009-7-11 09:47 編輯 ]
[font=新細明體]一些有趣的問題[/font], [font=新細明體]希望有人可答一答我[/font].

1/. [font=新細明體]自由黨[/font], [font=新細明體]民建聯有沒有自己的論壇[/font] ? [font=新細明體]若有[/font], [font=新細明體]有沒有人夠膽登出反共的文章[/font] ? [font=新細明體]有[/font] link [font=新細明體]看嗎[/font] ?

2/. [font=新細明體]民主黨[/font], [font=新細明體]公民黨[/font], [font=新細明體]長毛[/font], [font=新細明體]社民連[/font], [font=新細明體]民間人權陣線[/font], [font=新細明體]支聯會等政黨和團體的論壇今天光景如何[/font] ? [font=新細明體]是否跟我地一樣[/font], [font=新細明體]愈做愈縮水[/font], [font=新細明體]小貓兩三隻嗎[/font] ? [font=新細明體]可否[/font] send [font=新細明體]條[/font] link [font=新細明體]來看看[/font] ?

3/. 02, 03, 04[font=新細明體]年的[/font][font=新細明體]光明頂[/font][font=新細明體]留言版人氣頂盛[/font], [font=新細明體]水準極高[/font], [font=新細明體]為何近幾年會盛極而衰[/font] ?

4/. [font=新細明體]香港第一個論壇是何年出現的[/font] ? [font=新細明體]是八十年代還是九十年代[/font] ? [font=新細明體]叫乜名[/font] ? [font=新細明體]現在還存在嗎[/font] ?

5/. [font=新細明體]幾個人氣論壇今天都變質了[/font], [font=新細明體]由所謂[/font][font=新細明體]中立[/font]’, [font=新細明體]實則是由靠左的人來操控[/font], [font=新細明體]而最硬淨的苹果又無聲地突然執笠[/font], [font=新細明體]剩下細小的反共論壇[/font]([font=新細明體]我們是其一[/font])[font=新細明體]又作用不大[/font]; [font=新細明體]不單作用不大[/font], [font=新細明體]而且愈反[/font]([font=新細明體]共[/font])[font=新細明體]愈縮水[/font], [font=新細明體]情況慘烈[/font]; [font=新細明體]就算中共不出手[/font], [font=新細明體]睇嚟自己都會自動瓜柴[/font]. [font=新細明體]網友們[/font], [font=新細明體]你們覺得我們應否再繼續下去[/font] ?

6/. [font=新細明體]好了[/font], ‘[font=新細明體]反共[/font][font=新細明體]的論壇情況是這樣[/font], [font=新細明體]那麼[/font], ‘[font=新細明體]個人網誌[/font][font=新細明體]情況又如何呢[/font] ? [font=新細明體]請問有沒有人以個人的名氣開了[/font] blog, [font=新細明體]不單堅持反共[/font], [font=新細明體]竟能吸引眾多網友的回應[/font], [font=新細明體]以一人的能量[/font], [font=新細明體]已經蓋過眾多反共論壇[/font]. [font=新細明體]有這麼威威的個人[/font] blog [font=新細明體]嗎[/font] ? [font=新細明體]卑條[/font] link [font=新細明體]睇睇哇[/font]. [font=新細明體]多謝[/font].

happylai 19.7.2009
網誌新星 -- HUGO !


若你有時間, 請幫忙把他的好文選出來, 讓大家分享. 多謝.

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