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Tanya Chan 陳淑莊 speaks for HK at the United Nations
Tanya Chan 陳淑莊 speaks for HK at the United Nations

HKFP_Live: Hong Kong democrat Tanya CHAN 陳淑莊 is speaking at the United Nations. "Why is China sitting here, as a member of this Human Rights Council?" the lawmaker asked, as she appealed for a UN invesigation into the protest crackdown in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong democrat Tanya CHAN 陳淑莊 speaking at the United Nations.

Hong Kong lawmaker Tanya Chan appeals to the United Nations over protest movement

Tanya Chan addresses UNHR Council in Geneva
A Hong Kong lawmaker has called on the UN to launch an international investigation into a police crackdown on pro-democracy protests, voicing alarm at escalating "brutality".

"Hong Kong is on the verge of a humanitarian crisis," Tanya Chan told the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday, asking it to urgently discuss the situation and to dispatch investigators to probe abuses.

Chan, of Hong Kong's pro-democracy Civic Party, was earlier this year handed a suspended eight-month jail sentence over her role in the student-led Umbrella Movement protests that brought parts of the city to a standstill in 2014.

She was invited by the non-governmental organisation UN Watch to take its allotted spot and briefly address the council after more than three months of huge, sometimes violent rallies calling for greater democratic freedoms and police accountability.

Pointing out that she was speaking as Hong Kong on Monday entered its 100th day of protests, Chan cautioned that "there is no sign that police will exercise restraint".

"This is a result of the lack of democracy in Hong Kong, as the government is not held accountable for its endorsement of police abuse," she said, maintaining that police "call protesters cockroaches" and see violence against them as "acceptable pest control".

She urged UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet to "support our appeal for this council to convene an urgent session and to establish a mission of inquiry to ensure the human rights of the people of Hong Kong."

Bachelet has voiced measured concern over violence by all sides in Hong Kong and urged the authorities to conduct a "prompt, independent, impartial investigation" into alleged excessive force by police against protesters.

But so far, there is little sign that she or the rights council, which counts China among its 47 members, will back an international investigation.

The protest movement is the biggest challenge to China's rule since the city was handed back by Britain in 1997.

Under a deal signed with Britain, Hong Kong was allowed to keep its unique freedoms for 50 years.

But democracy activists accuse Beijing of reneging on those promises by tightening political control over the semi-autonomous territory and refusing calls for universal suffrage.

The pro-democracy movement has vowed to continue until key demands are met, including an inquiry into the police, an amnesty for those arrested, and universal suffrage.

Asked by AFP if she feared China might send in the army to end the protests, Chan said she did not think Beijing would see the need, since Hong Kong police "are actually doing their job for them".

Hong Kong riot police on Sunday fired tear gas and water cannon at pro-democracy protesters who were hurling rocks and petrol bombs, capping a 15th consecutive weekend of big peaceful rallies followed by clashes.

"We are really worried about the situation, because there is obviously an escalation of police brutality," Chan told AFP.

"I am afraid that loss of life may happen if the escalation of brutality by police continues," she said.

Chan stressed the need to put an international spotlight on Hong Kong, especially in the run-up to the October 1 celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Meanwhile, the Police have expressed deep regret at Chan's accusations.

In a statement, they said the protests had become increasingly tense and violent since June and that protesters had thrown petrol bombs, started fires and paralysed traffic. They said officers had always exercised a high level of restraint when trying restore public order. (AFP)

陳淑莊聯合國發言 稱香港警察暴力不斷升級 打壓示威




【逃犯條例】陳淑莊聯合國發言斥警濫暴 懇請人權理事會調查 (23:58)



Hong Kong legislator urges U.N. rights body to probe 'police abuse'

GENEVA (Reuters) - A pro-democracy Hong Kong legislator called on the top U.N. human rights body on Monday to investigate what she said were “brutal crackdowns” and “police brutality” against demonstrators in the former British colony.

Tanya Chan addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva as Hong Kong’s businesses and metro stations reopened as usual on Monday after a chaotic Sunday when police fired water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters who blocked roads and threw petrol bombs outside government headquarters.

“Today marks the 100th day of the movement, but there is no sign the police will exercise restraint. This is a direct result of the lack of democracy in Hong Kong, as the government is not held accountable for its endorsement of police abuse,” Chan said.

Referring to U.N. human rights boss Michelle Bachelet, she said: “Will the High Commissioner support our appeal for this Council to convene an urgent session and establish a Commission of Inquiry, to ensure justice and human rights for the people of Hong Kong?”

China’s diplomatic mission wrote to the United Nations in Geneva at the weekend urging it to deny Chang accreditation for the event, according to a letter seen by Reuters.

It called her a “convicted criminal”, citing her suspended sentence handed down in June after she was found guilty of inciting public nuisance during 2014 pro-democracy protests.

Hong Kong returned to China in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula that ensures freedoms not enjoyed on the mainland.

The spark for the latest protests was planned legislation, now withdrawn, that would have allowed people to be sent to mainland China for trial. They have since broadened into calls for universal suffrage.

China insists that Hong Kong is an internal issue. It has accused foreign powers, particularly the United States and Britain, of fomenting the unrest and told them to mind their own business.

Chan hits out at cops in UN speech
Pro-democracy lawmaker Tanya Chan Suk-chong has appealed to the United Nations for its support on convening an urgent session and establishing a Commission of Inquiry to ensure human rights for the people of Hong Kong. She spoke to the UN's Human Rights Council as a representative of UN Watch. She...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pro-democracy lawmaker Tanya Chan Suk-chong has appealed to the United Nations for its support on convening an urgent session and establishing a Commission of Inquiry to ensure human rights for the people of Hong Kong.
She spoke to the UN's Human Rights Council as a representative of UN Watch.
She mentioned a list of incidents involving alleged excessive use of force by the police. They including the incidents in which a woman was shot in the eye allegedly by a beanbag round and passengers who were attacked at Prince Edward station on August 31.
"The police call protesters 'cockroaches'," she said yesterday.
"Brutal crackdowns and preemptive violence against them are hence regarded as acceptable pest control to curb free speech."
陳淑莊赴聯合國 演說講人權


聯合國發言 陳淑莊:警察暴行不斷升級
公民黨立法會議員陳淑莊,到瑞士日內瓦出席聯合國人權理事會會議,發言90秒,期間沒有被中國代表打斷。她提到,香港正陷入人道危機邊緣,指警察對民主運動支持者的暴行不斷升級,今日是反送中運動踏入第100日,但沒有跡象顯示警察會自我克制。陳淑莊說:「我懇請聯合國人權事務高級專員支持我們向人權理事會提出的請求,召開緊急會議及成立調查委員會,保障香港人的人權。」她發言最後一句是:「為甚麼中國仍可作為成員國,安坐在人權理事會?」陳淑莊發言完畢後,遭來自阿根廷的聯合國人權理事會副主席Carlos Mario Foradori提醒發言內容須跟隨議程。











Hong Kong Lawmaker Urges UN to Investigate 'Police Brutality'


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