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學習普通話和美語發音會話區, 省時方便而且完全免費,無時
11 Valentine's Day



Y: 各位聽眾好,歡迎您到美語咖啡屋。我是楊晨。

J: Hi I'm Jody and welcome to American Cafe!

Y: 我想我們的聽眾可能覺得很奇怪,聽這聲音好象不是在咖啡屋。您猜的沒錯,我們現在站在一個巧克力店門口。為什麼呢?因為今天是情人節。

J: That's right, Yang Chen, it's Valentine's Day. So we left the cafe. We came out on the street to find out what people are buying for Valentine's Day!

Y: 巧克力! 我現在口水要流出來了。

J: And Yang Chen, we've come to the perfect place, Chocolate Chocolate. And you, Yang Chen, I know something about the name Chocolate Chocolate. The chocolate is so good they have to say it twice

Y: 沒錯。巧克力! 巧克力!!!今天是情人節。你第一個想到的是人們都送什麼禮物呢?就是巧克力。確實是,你看裡面人那麼多,買巧克力的人好象大多數都是男的。

J: Of course, women love chocolate. Men like to send their sweethearts all kind of good stuff, diamonds and flowers and chocolate.

Y: 你說起鑽石,等會兒我們還要去一個珠寶店,專門賣鑽石,首飾的珠寶店。

J: That's a great idea. But first let's talk to..., oh, let's talk to this guy! Are these chocolates for you?

Man: No, actually one's for my fianc e and one's for my mom.

Yang Chen: That's so sweet!

Jody: So, we were just saying that Valentine's Day is not only to show your love for a special someone but also family and friends. Is that true?

Man: Yes it is. Women like chocolate anytime, next to diamonds.

Jody: You know, there's a diamond store right up the road.

Man: All right, I passed that one on the way. So...

J: What else for Valentine's Day are popular traditions when you guys plan to do?

Man: Probably dinner, roses, maybe some perfume.

J: Oh, look, there's another guy. I bet he's buying chocolate for his girlfriend.

Y: 你錯了。你看這個人走進了[維多利亞的秘密],是一個專門賣內衣的商店。

J: We are in front of Victoria's Secret store and the window is full of sexy red underwear just for Valentine's Day!

Y: 我可能不太會去買這種紅色的內衣。That's not for me.

J: So, traditional gifts for Valentine's Day include chocolate, sexy underwear, and also flowers.

Y: 我們還是去那邊看看玫瑰花吧。我們走吧。

Jody: First your name and why you chose to buy roses for your lovely wife on Valentine's Day.

實錄1 David: Okay, my name is David Pollack and I like to buy the roses for my wife 'cause Valentine's Day it's a sentimental value for her to know that I love her and show some appreciation.

Y: 說起來Valentine's Day,中國翻成情人節。

J: Literally, "Lover's Day."

Y: 其實這個“情人節”不光是說情人之間送禮物。

J: Exactly. Valentine's Day is not just for lovers. Children show their love for their parents. Friends can show their love for each other. So, it's a time of the year to show your feelings, I guess.

Y: 就是你對家人,對朋友的愛。

J: You think the name should be changed to something like "Love Day."

Y: 愛心節!

J: 愛心節!Okay, so we've gone to the flower guy, we've gone to the sexy underwear store, we've gone to the chocolate store. What else is there for Valentine's Day?

Y: Diamonds! 鑽石!

J: There's a diamond store?! Let's go!

(Enter sound of running)

Jody: We are here in a diamond store in Washington, D.C. What are your comments about Valentine's Day and its relationship to diamonds in general?

實錄2 Mervis: Diamond symbolizes love because for many, many centuries it has always been a tradition of longevity and because demand is pretty much the hardest gem it has a stigma that it lasts forever, which it does. And men and women have always been attracted to its sparkle and brilliance and beauty.

Jody: Yeh, if you have sweetheart what do you plan to do this Valentine's Day.

實錄3 Mervis: Well, I have more than just a sweetheart. I have a very beautiful wife and three kids. And believe me, my wife is going be spoiled rotten on this Valentine. I shouldn't be saying this in case she hears and I'll let the cat out of the bag. And I speak a large pair of diamond studs for her ears. And...yeh....


J: Diamonds are a girls' best friends.

Y: Jody, 你覺得今天過得怎麼樣?

J: Oh, today is so fun! I love hearing what people are doing for Valentine's Day! Thank you for you joining us outside in D.C. visiting all the places where people are buying traditional Valentine's Day gifts. That's all the time we have on American Cafe! See you next time.

Y: 謝謝大家,我們今天的時間到了。Jody,我有一個遺憾,就是在那個巧克力店,他們有讓你試吃巧克力。

J: Free samples? Let's go back now! We're so silly.

(Enter "You're My Funny Valentine" by Tony Bennett)
12 Vince on Jim Hendrix



J: Hello and welcome to American Cafe. My name's Jody.

Y: 各位聽眾,歡迎大家到美語咖啡屋。我是楊晨。

J: Hey, Yang Chen, you know our friend down in the music library, Vince...he says "hello" by the way ...

Y: 真的?下次你告訴他我也向他問好。

J: Will do. Anyway, did you know he's a guitar player?

Y: 我知道。他上次還建議我應該多聽聽他的偶像Jimi Hendrix的音樂呢。

J: Oh, that's weird. That's exactly what we talked about. Wow, he really admires Jimi Hendrix. But who wouldn't. Jimi Hendrix is a music legend.

Y: 等一等,這個music legend我們應該給聽眾解釋一下,就是音樂界的傳奇人物。

J: Exactly. And Jimi is not only a music legend, he changed rock-n-roll, 搖滾音樂forever!

Y: 說起搖滾樂,我可以跟你聊一天一夜。

J: Me too! But let's make sure that Vince gets a word in.

實錄1 Vince Bonner: My name is Vince Bonner. And I feel Jimi Hendrix is not the father of the modern guitar, but um, he changed the sound so drastically.

Y: Vince說,雖然Jimi Hendrix並不是現代吉他音樂之父,可是他在很大程度上改變了吉他音樂的聲音。不過我不太明白他這兒說的是什麼意思。

J: We'll let Vince explain that. But before we hear from Vince I want to mention something again. Sometimes when Vince speaks, he drops the "t" at the end of his words. For example, he will say "lef-handed" instead of "left-handed."

Y: Lift-handed中文就是左撇子。

J: Right. I mean, left. I mean that's correct!

Y: 好了,好了,我看你越說越糊塗。我們還是聽聽Vince的解釋吧。

實錄2 Vince: Number one he was a left-handed guitarist. So he played the instrument upside down which is even more incredible. Um Jimi was the first to use distortion and reverb, heh, without it sounding like a lot of noise. Everything he was doing he did wrong, technically, he was doing wrong.

Y: Vince剛才說的這段裡有兩個詞比較難懂。Jody,你來解釋一下吧。

J: Right. Distortion and reverb are two special terms for music and, especially, for Jimi Hendrix. Reverb is a music term that's short for reverberation or shaking and tremors in the music. But you know what, Yang Chen, we have so many examples from Jimi Hendrix himself ... let's just play that.

Y: 對,讓聽眾從音樂中來體會。

J: Here's an example of distortion and reverb from Jimi Hendrix.

Y: 大家可要坐穩了。下面我們欣賞一段Jimi Hendrix演奏的音樂。

(Enter sample of Jimi Hendrix)

Y: Wow, 他的音樂太有震撼力了。

J: Isn't that amazing! Nobody thought that that could sound good. But Jimi Hendrix was such a great guitar player he made he sound great. And Vince felt the same way, too. In the next quote he talks about what makes the guitar playing of Jimi Hendrix so special. Yang Chen, he didn't just play the guitar. His concerts were the ultimate in showmanship.

Y: 是不是所有的音樂家我們都可以稱他們為表演家呢?

J: No way! No, no, no, Jimi was special. He used crazy lights and crazy color shows. He even set his guitar on fire one time.

Y: 這就是他和其他音樂家的不同之處。

J: Right. And he just played the guitar so well. When he played it was true showmanship. Here us Vince.

實錄3 Vince: For me, and this is what I think makes Jimi so special, is being different, is having your own individuality on the instrument. Everyone right now sounds like everyone else. Everyone else sounds like Jimi Hendrix.

J: I really like how Vince worded it. "Everyone right now sounds like everyone else. Everyone else sounds like Jimi Hendrix."

Y: 現在很多人都在模仿別人,而所有的人都在模仿Jimi Hendrix。

J: Not only was he incredibly individual, but when he played his concerts turned into a spiritual experience. Here is Vince.

實錄4 Vince: Jimi once said that when he got on stage and when he started to play he can make the audience do anything. It was like a spiritual revival when he played.

Y: 我覺得音樂的力量的確是非常偉大。如果大家都來聽Jimi Hendrix的音樂,這個世界一定會變得更加美好。

J: You are absolutely right. I couldn't agree with you more.

Y: 謝謝大家收聽美語咖啡屋。我們下次節目再見。

J: Let the spirit of Jimi Hendrix fill the air!!

(Enter Jimi Hendrix music)
13 Stand-up Comedy



J: Hello everyone and welcome to American Cafe! My name's Jody.

Y: 歡迎大家到美語咖啡屋。我是楊晨。

J: Hey, Yang Chen, I have a joke. Do you have a minute?

Y: Uh huh.

J: Okay, did you hear the one about the mushroom who walked into the bar?

Y: 一只蘑菇走進一個酒吧,很好笑啊。

J: Well, a mushroom walked into a bar and the bartender said, "Hey, get out of here. We don't serve your kind."

Y: 為什麼?

J: That's exactly what the mushroom asked. "What do mean you don't serve my kind...I'm a fun guy!" Fun-guy. You know, fungus ... See the mushroom's a fungus. Oh, never mind. It's kind of funny. Yang Chen, are you there? Don't you get it? Fungus...Fungi...

Y: Haha ... 是挺幽默的。我相信我們的聽眾在收音機前已經笑得直不起腰來了。

J: Oh, you know what, don't humor me, Yang Chen.

Y: 不錯,你還是挺會講笑話的。繼續努力。

J: You know maybe I should take me friend's comedy class. You know, polish my act a little.

Y: A little?

J: Yeah, you know polish it up a little.

Y: 真的有這種專門教人講笑話的課嗎?

J: Oh sure. My friend Jason teaches a stand up comedy class so I went to check it out.

Y: 怎麼樣,有什麼收獲嗎?

J: Actually the thing that surprised me the most was how serious the class was. Jason talked a lot about the pain and sorrow in comedy.

Y: 痛苦,悲傷?你確定他們上的是喜劇課?

J: I was surprised too. But let's here from Jason as he describes his philosophy of comedy.

實錄1 Jason: Comedy is actually your pain turned into comedy; that is what it is. It's the things that affect you in your life. Unfortunately the things that most people will laugh at are your pain and your sorrow that actually is actually in their life as well in some sort of fashion, maybe a bad mother, a bad father, bad working conditions, something like that, but they can still identify.

Y: Jason講的倒是挺有道理的。幽默就是把自己的痛苦經歷當笑話講給別人聽。這樣既可以引起他們的共鳴,又可以讓他們哈哈一笑,忘記了生活中的不愉快。這的確是很深奧的道理。

J: I agree. We all laugh at things we can identify with. As a comic Jason is not afraid of sharing the most painful parts of his life. During our interview as we were driving from his stand-up class Jason talked about how he grew up with a heart condition, his open heart surgery and the connection to comedy.

實錄2 Jason: Comedy has always been dear to my heart. Um, I grew up with a heart condition. I had open-heart surgery. Um, I found that comedy was the unique thing that would bring people together. And it was always something I could do to make them laugh and help them enjoy their life and actually take their pain and sorrow of their life, identify it with me ... and actually get some sort of ... maybe a closure or some sort of ending to their saga or their story.

Y: 其實我們每個人在生活中都有這樣的經歷。 你越是在困難的時候就越想看喜劇片或者聽聽笑話。

J: Oh, I think so too.

Y: 說到這裡,我很好奇,Jason的學生都是些什麼人呢?

J: Most of the students in the class were older women. There was only one man. Here's Jason again talking about one of his students.

實錄3 Jason: One of my students had brain surgery and she wanted to use it as some sort of healing. Bring out her pain into the public and actually to resolve that and turn her pain into someone else's happiness. And, um, it's a way of putting closure on events.

Y: Jason剛才講的這個學生做過腦部手術。她想借助喜劇來恢復健康。對這個學生來說,"putting closure on events" 就意味著要忘掉過去的痛苦,開始新的生活。說起來美國的這種 "stand-up comedy" 是一種很特殊的喜劇表演方式,有點類似中國的單口相聲。

J: Stand-up comedy is one of the hardest types of performing. It literally means that you stand up in front of people and make them laugh.

Y: 我有個很嚴肅的問題:要是沒有人笑該怎麼辦?

J: You know that's a good question. You feel vulnerable. You feel exposed. You feel embarrassed. You feel naked.

Y: 還是廣播好,我們可以用音響效果來掩飾你的尷尬。

J: That's right!

Y: 對,要是沒人笑,你按一下按鈕用音響效果就可以了。

J: Let me tell my joke again and see if it's any better.

Y: 好阿,效果一定很好。

J: We'll finish with my joke. Thanks for joining us on American Cafe.

Y: 好,我們今天的時間到了。謝謝您到美語咖啡屋。我們下次節目再見。

J: So a mushroom walks into a bar ...


J: ... and the bartender says, "Hey get out of here! We don't serve your kind.


14 Studying Chinese




J: Hello and welcome to American Cafe. My name is Jody! Hey, Yang Chen, who's going to join us today on American Cafe?

Y: 明克勝先生。你知道嗎,現在中國有學英語熱,但是他們不知道其實在美國也有很多人在學中文。所以我們今天請明克勝先生來給我們談談他為什麼要學中文,還有他在學中文的過程中遇到什麼困難。我們今天還有一位神秘的嘉賓。你知道是誰嗎?

J: I have no idea.

Y: 就是你。

J: Oh, my gosh!

Y: 好,我們就請明克勝先生談談他為什麼要學中文,他是怎麼開始的。

實錄1: Carl: Well, I started a long time ago. First learned a little bit when I was in college. But I probably picked up most of it when I was overseas in Taiwan and also Mainland China for about three years total. Started learning, really learning, when I was in Taiwan.

Y: 那麼,Jody你呢, 你是怎麼開始學中文的呢?

實錄2: Jody: Actually I started studying Chinese when I arrived in China. I don't have Chinese under my belt before that time, Yang Chen. So I arrived in Shanghai when I was 21 years old, not speaking any Chinese. And I arrived at the train station at 3 o'clock in the morning surrounded by people who did not speak my language. And I can tell you it was a little frightening. So, I did the only thing I knew what to do ... I sang a song, "Rain drops keep falling on my head." And everyone started laughing and it made the situation better. Actually, Carl said that he began studying in college while he was in the United States. I did not do that. I got a scholarship to leave the country and go to China and study and I took advantage of it. I really wanted to go abroad to study and China seemed like the most foreign place on the planet.

Y: 我們可以想象美國人學中文一定有很多困難,因為這兩個語言實在是相差的太遠了。那麼下面請你們談談你們在學習中遇到過什麼困難,首先我們讓明克勝先生談一談。

實錄3: Carl: Two of the most challenging things when you study Chinese, in particular, are the tones and the characters. I think that's just extremely difficult. And it was frustrating to be teaching ... teaching kindergarten students and realizing that their reading was much better than mine.

Y: Jody, 你覺得明克勝談的這些困難是不是每個學中文的學生都會遇到的困難呢?

實錄4: Jody: Oh, most definitely. The tones and the characters, Yang Chen, they're so difficult. We're just not used to it. We're not used to the strict tonal aspect of Chinese. 媽、麻、馬、罵。

Y: 沒錯,我聽到過很多外國人說中文的時候因為四聲沒有掌握對,所以鬧出很多笑話。比如把一個東西講成另一個東西。我想學中文也和學其他語言一樣,每個人都有一些小的訣竅。那麼你們兩談一談你們在學習的過程中有些什麼樣的訣竅,或者是技巧啊,或者有什麼好的經驗介紹給大家。

實錄5: Carl: The best thing to do when you're learning Chinese is to be around a lot of four-year olds. And the reason I say that is because their level of Chinese and yours are at the very beginning quite similar. You can have these great conversations like "I'm hungry!" "I like blue." "I want the ball!" And so, I thought it was great to be able do that ... very simple Chinese expressions with four and five-year olds.

實錄6: Jody: Yeah. I didn't teach small children. I taught university students and we mostly used English. But I did have the opportunity to make friends with students in the music department and I learned several Chinese pop songs and I was able to perform with them and sing Chinese songs at concerts. And when you're a foreigner living in China you get asked to do television commercials and acting shows.

Y: 所以這個語言環境是很重要的,你和不同行業的人交談也可以學到很多東西。

J: Not only the language but most importantly, the culture and how people live their lives and make a living and have fun.

Y: 好,我們今天的時間快到了,我想最後請你們二位一人用中文講一句中國的成語啊, 俗語啊,或者是俏皮話,講什麼都可以。


J:I like this idiom. I heard it and it stuck with me and here it is 好馬不吃回頭草。


J: See you later!

15 Daytona Bike Week



Y: 個位聽眾好!我是楊晨。歡迎您到美語咖啡屋!

J: Hello, I'm Jody and welcome to American Cafe. Hey, Yang Chen, how was your trip down to Florida?

Y: 哎呀,玩得太開心了。我知道你也去了迪斯尼世界,對吧?

J: I did! We drove down too. What a fun time!

Y: 可是玩得時候開心,你知道開車回來的時候開了十幾個小時,簡直把我累死了。

J: Oh, you're telling me. We drove straight through too and it was a long drive. Hey, on the road did you notice all the motorcycles?

Y: 沒錯,我正要問你呢,為什麼有那麼多摩托車呢?

J: Well, it just so happens that we were coming home just as Bike Week was ending in Florida.

Y: 你是說那些摩托車都是要開到同一個地方,參加同一個活動。

J: Yeah, all the bikes were going to Daytona Beach where they have Bike Week. I think this year it ran from Feb 27 to March 7.

Y: 難怪呢。

J: And on the way to Florida I stopped at the headquarters of Bike Week and spoke with a biker named Gino. He told me a little about Bike Week and biker culture.

Y: 好啊,我也正想聽聽這個Bike Week是怎麼回事呢。

實錄1 Gino: Well, my name is Gina Garjulo and I am in St. Augustine, Florida. And we're about 65 miles north of Daytona, which has the second largest Bike Week in the world. This Bike Week here is in its 63rd year. And every year people come from all over the world, literally.

Y: 聽Gino這麼一解釋,這個Bike Week其實就是一種摩托車愛好者或者說摩托車手的大聚會。Gino說這個活動已經有63年的歷史,參加者來自世界各地。

J: That's right. People come from all over the world to attend Bike Week at Daytona. A lot of people came and a lot of people spent a lot of money.

實錄2 Gino: About 500,000 people descend upon Daytona. It's an impact of about $500 million dollars in about a two-week period all together.

Y: Wow! 不過我很好奇,這些摩托車愛好者都是些什麼人?

J: Well, Gino explains that Bike Week is a very interesting look into the diversity of the biker culture.

Y: 你說的diversity是什麼意思呢?

J: Okay, some people think that all bikers have long scraggly hair and tattoos and beards. You know, that's the stereotype of a biker.

Y: 沒錯,一提到騎摩托車的人我們就會聯想到那種留長頭發,穿皮夾克啊,就是那種比較粗野的形象吧?

J: Yeah, I know. And some bikers do fit that description, that stereotype. But here's Gina again to describe the diversity of people who go to Bike Week.

實錄3 Gino: It's a very interesting look into the Biker Culture and you've got people that are what we call "one percenters" that are real hardcore bikers that have the long, scraggly hair and beards and everything and the tattoos all over them. Then you have the doctors and lawyers and everything. There are bikes that run up to $150,000. Lots of women ride, uh ... just all interesting people.

Y: 看來人們對摩托手確實有一些誤解,其實他們當中有很多受過良好教育的人。Gino 剛才說的 hardcore bikers指的是那些鐵桿分子。你說我可不可以形容他們是愛摩托車如命呢?

J: Right. Gino said "hardcore" and that's the perfect word to describe, you know, people who are really devoted to something to a very serious degree. "Hardcore" is one word and it's spelled H-A-R-D "hard," "core" C-O-R-E. And another example of how to use it would be "That's really hardcore, man," really serious.

Y: 我很好奇,這個Bike Week都有些什麼活動呢?

實錄4 Gino: They camp out. They're get here a week or so early. They have camping spots down there. And, uh, they drive all over the place. They have organized rides, contests ...

Y: 我想除了野營,賽車,觀賞摩托車之外,一定還有購物活動吧?比方說他們可以購買特制的皮夾克或者說摩托車用品等等。

J: Even tattoos, Yang Chen.

Y: Oh, 別提那個。"Tattoo"中文就是刺青,就是在身上弄得花花綠綠的。我受不了。

J: That's one thing Gina wanted to make sure of ... that not all bikers have tattoos.

Y: 不能劃等號。

(Enter motorcycle sounds)

Y: 啊,怎麼有人開著摩托車到我們的咖啡屋來了。

J: Let's go outside and check it out. Uh, uh, Sorry, everyone. We gotta go! Thanks for joining us on American Cafe.

Y: 好,各位聽眾,我們下次節目再見。


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