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「防止台灣遭侵略法案」(Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act)


「我們非常明確地表示我們支持《台灣法》,僅此而已,」 拜登周二在赴新罕布什爾州途中對記者說。他指美國1979年通過的《台灣關係法》。

它是獨立的。它自己做決定,」 他還說。


白宮發布的紀要顯示,拜登在峰會上對習近平強調,美國仍然致力於《台灣關係法》、三個聯合公報和六項保證指導下的 「一個中國」政策。「兩位領導人在台灣問題上談了很長時間,」 他的國家安全顧問沙利文周二在布魯金斯學會的一次活動上說,「總統提醒習近平,他當參議員的時候曾投票支持《台灣關係法》。」

「兩位領導人在台灣問題上花費了大量時間,」 沙利文說。



「這是一次不錯的會晤,」 拜登說,「我們做了很多跟進,我們成立了四個小組,我們將在一系列問題上把大家召集起來。我會在未來兩周向你們報告更多消息。」

拜登和習近平還討論了兩國如何「共同努力確保全球能源供應和價格波動不會危及全球經濟復甦,」 沙利文說,「兩位元首要求他們的團隊在這個問題上迅速開展協調。」




原文標題Biden Says After Xi Summit That Taiwan ‘Makes Its Own Decisions’

Biden Says After Xi Summit That Taiwan ‘Makes Its Own Decisions’

President Joe Biden said that Taiwan “makes its own decisions,” backing the island’s leaders anew after a summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping intended to stabilize the tense relationship between the world’s two largest economies.

“We made very clear we support the Taiwan Act, and that’s it,” Biden told reporters Tuesday during a trip to New Hampshire, referring to the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act.

It’s independent. It makes its own decisions,” he added.

Even so, Biden said during the summit that the U.S. remains committed to its “One China” policy, according to a White House statement. Biden reminded Xi during the meeting that he voted as a senator to support Taiwan’s self-defense when the two discussed the island, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said Tuesday.

“The two leaders spent a good amount of time on the question of Taiwan,” Sullivan said at a Brookings Institution event on Tuesday.

The act established that the U.S. will support Taiwan’s self-defense with weapons sales and discourage any attempt by China to retake the island by force.

Sullivan was one of the few officials who participated in the summit, which lasted 3 1/2 hours. U.S. officials said the discussion was candid and respectful.

“It was a good meeting,” Biden said. “We’ve got a lot of follow-up on, we set up four groups, we’re going to get our folks together on a whole range of issues. I’ll have more to report to you in the next two weeks.”

As anticipated, the conversation between Biden and Xi was mostly aimed at setting the rules of engagement between the world’s two largest economies, in an effort to avoid unintended military conflict or economic damage. China and the U.S. have been at odds over Taiwan, the South China Sea, trade and human rights, among other issues.

The leaders also discussed how their countries “can work together to ensure global energy supply and price volatility do not imperil the global economic recovery,” Sullivan said. “The two presidents tasked their teams to coordinate on this issue expeditiously.”

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