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911 偉大狗英雄 有後代承繼皇位了 !
[size=6]911事件狗英雄再現 5隻複製小狗亮相 [/size]
( yahoo 網 18/6/2009 )

[font=標楷體](法新社洛杉磯17日電) 加拿大退休警官薛明敦(James Symington)在911攻擊事件發生後,曾帶著搜救犬佐克(Trakr)在瓦礫堆中尋找受困民眾,然而它在今年4月去世。複製公司以佐克的基因複製出5隻小狗,今天正式交給薛明敦。[/font]

加州複製公司「國際生化藝術」(BioArts International)主辦名為「珍貴的複製禮物」(Golden Clone Giveaway)─找尋世界最「值得複製」的狗競賽。薛明敦勝出,而獲贈佐克的後代。





[size=5][size=6]Tracker dog from 9/11 lives on through cloned puppies
( from :[/size] )

Los Angeles - A former police officer won an essay-writing contest sponsored by a bio-engineering firm and has taken possession of his unusual prize: five puppies cloned from his former search and rescue dog Trakr, who sniffed out the last survivor in the rubble of the World Trade Center after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. "I always knew he'd be with me as long as I needed him," said James Symington in Thursday's Los Angeles Times. "I think he waited and made sure the time was right."

Trakr died in April after 15 years of service with Symington.

Symington, formerly of Halifax, Canada, said he named the puppies after Trakr's qualities: Trust, Valor, Solace, Prodigy and Déjà vu, and that he hopes the animals will contribute to society just as Trakr did.

The competition was organized by BioArts International, a northern California company at the forefront of dog cloning, which usually charges 138,500 dollars to clone a dog. The company works with Korea's Sooam Biotech Research Foundation where the cloning was performed by Dr Hwang Woo-Suk, who produced the world's first canine cloning in 2005. ( 18/6/2009 )




911 偉大狗英雄 有後代承繼皇位了 ! :a31 :a31
Quote:原帖由 happylai7799 於 2009-6-19 19:37 發表 [Image: back.gif]
911 偉大狗英雄 有後代承繼皇位了 ! :a31 :a31

藍帶( Pabst 圖)有排「倒及牙」,左右兩顆牙齒呈倒八字狀,下顎五顆門牙像被齊根砸斷,指甲長得橫七豎八,醜得在上周五美國加州全球最醜狗比賽中贏得冠軍。藍帶是隻混種拳師狗,今年 4歲,腹部有條 5厘米長的燒傷疤痕,主人埃格斯塔德從一間動物收容所收養牠,「見牠臉孔像苦啤酒,所以給牠起了個美國啤酒名。」

藍帶的勁敵,是年約 15歲的老狗女埃莉。埃莉是純種中國冠毛犬,僅得數顆大牙,雙眼白內障,嘴巴無牙斜吐着脷,全身沒幾根毛,結果獲選世界最醜純種狗。藍帶醜壓群狗,可獲 1,600美元( 12,480港元)獎金,還有包括頸圈、狗兜和玩具的禮物包。英國《星期日郵報》

I just had a ruff night! Pure-bred Miss Ellie wins title of World's Ugliest Pedigree Dog

There was shampoo, backcombing and enough diva antics to scare the steeliest of postmen but as beauty pageants go not every canine would have been quite so happy to participate.
But for those who did take part in the World's Ugliest Dog Competition at Sonoma-Marin Fair in California it was a question of ugly being the new beautiful.

In the dog-eat-dog, claw-biting contest a truly 'unique' looking creature beat off other hideous hounds to claim the crown for being the world's ugliest pedigree dog.

Miss Ellie, a pure breed Chinese crested hairless from Tennessee, is reported to be around 15 years old, has only a couple of back teeth, cataracts in both her eyes, several moles [size=12px]and pimples and limited hair - with such credentials the other mutts surely could not have stood a chance.[/size][size=12px][/size][size=12px]And like every good beauty queen Miss Ellie[/size][size=12px] also had a heartfelt message for her adoring fans. According to her owner come spokesperson, Dawn Goehring, Miss Ellie [/size][size=12px]really hopes to be a 'spokesmodel for rescue dogs of the 'not so cute' kind''.
[size=12px][/size][size=12px]'Her dream is to travel around to prove that ugly is just a word, and says nothing about how wonderful she is,' she said.[/size]
[size=12px][size=5][size=12px][size=5]As well as winning a modeling contract from [/size]House Of Dog[/size][size=12px] lucky Ellie [/size]will also pick up a cheque for $1,000, a trophy to put in her kennel and even a professional photo shoot. [/size]
But Miss Ellie is a positive beauty compared to the mutt who beat her to overall first place as the ugliest dog in the world – Pabst, a four-year-old boxer mix with a lopsided toothy grimace.
[size=12px]As well as the glory, Pabst received £1,000 in cash, a year-long modelling contract, a prize package of collars, leads, bowls and toys, and a professional photoshoot.


[Image: 29wh205p.jpg]
好狗雄:a36 :a36 :a36
[size=6]書展好書 : '十二唐狗'向人類大控訴 ! ( 20/7/2009 )[/size]

Carmen 鄺穎萱養了一頭金毛尋回犬 Goldie,由一歲養到九歲,由活潑可愛養到老態龍鍾,依舊每周帶牠去旅行,每日帶牠返公司。純種犬百般呵護在一身,土產唐狗卻遭人遺棄,周街流浪,被譏為雜種狗。 Carmen看不過眼,找來十二名唐狗主人,將人與狗的故事結集成書,名為《十二唐狗》。


其中一個故事教 Carmen 毛骨悚然,「人可以咁恐怖」。

美少女阿 U一次在西環碼頭,目睹一群約 10多歲的小孩,將一窩約四、五頭剛出世的唐狗 BB恣意蹂躪,「有啲狗仔被插眼、有啲被放火燒、有啲被掉落海。我聽到阿 U咁講,都唔信可以咁殘忍。」阿 U搶救了一隻,現在五歲大。

Carmen說出版這本書並非為賺錢,而是為唐狗討回公道,希望港人善待每一個生命,賣書收益全數捐給 Hong Kong Dog Rescue。

[Image: 20la6p6.jpg]
我也有養過狼狗﹐對狼狗真的情有獨鐘:7e :7e
Quote:原帖由 taxy 於 2010-1-16 08:25 發表 [Image: back.gif]
我也有養過狼狗﹐對狼狗真的情有獨鐘:7e :7e

香港的狼狗(所有大型狗狗都是)都好慘, 不能自由周圍跑動; 主人要每分鈡都牽着牠. 因為香港周圍都係人.

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